
pandora suite download

Version 1.2

Linux installers
  CentOS 7 (64bit, GLIBC>=2.17)
  Xubuntu 18.04 (64bit, GLIBC>=2.27)

macOS DMGs
  up to Catalina (10.15, x86_64)
  BigSur (11) and following (x86_64, ARM with Rosetta2)

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The suite is compiled on two Linux flavours. The CentOS 7 distribution is to be used on older systems (having a GLIBC version >= 2.17), while the Xubuntu 18.04 should work on newer ones (having a GLIBC version >=2.27). From the bottom of the page download the installer script for your OS version and execute it:

shell> bash Pandora-1.0-CentOS7.sh

Follow the on-screen instructions and install the suite in a directory of your choice. Most of the software dependencies are included into the distribution. However a few of them are "system related" and must be met by the OS on which you are installing our code; in particular our code relies on the mesa-GLU libraries that are not always installed by default. A check is made at the end of the installation; in case of error check if the mesa-GLU libraries are installed or contact us.
Once installed, SIPGI can be launched using the command <installation-dir>/bin/sipgi.


Download the DMG file suitable for you macOS version and open it. Double-click on the Pandora.pkg file and the suite will be installed into the /Applications/Pandora directory. Depending on the security level of your system an "unidentified developer" error can appear; in this case right-click on the Pandora.pkg file and select Open to override this issue.

Once installed SIPGI can be launched in two ways; from the command line with the command

shell> /Applications/Pandora/bin/Sipgi

or using the macOS app located in /Applications/Pandora.